There is a stretch of track along the Little Current Subdivision that follows Highway 6 South to Little Current on Birch Island that always interested […]
Category: Layout Upldates
Little Current Model Railway layout project updates
Algoma Eastern Railway #55
The Algoma Eastern Railway purchased two identical Consolidation (2-8-0 wheel arrangement) locomotives from Montreal Locomotive works. Number 55 arrived in January 1921 and are nearly […]
CPR 8560
There aren’t many photographs of Little Current yard in the years I am modelling and even fewer photos that include locomotives with any amount of […]
Imperial Oil Updated
Recently I finished the Little Current Imperial Oil Facility as faithfully as i could with limited photos from the time period. But the more I […]
Freight Car Friction
It might seem counterintuitive to want trucks to have friction but on a small switching layout it can add a wonderful sense of realism. This […]
Quick Truck Weathering
A flat finish on wheelsets and trucks can make a big difference to the realism of rolling stock. Recently I found an easy way that […]
Imperial Oil
The Imperial Oil Dealer was located on Highway 68 just before the swing bridge. From the research I have found so far, it was slightly […]
Backdrop Trees
A combination of conifer, birch and other generic trees are now installed along the back of the first module. This space is compressed by about […]
Birch Trees
I made a batch of birch trees using super tree armatures as well as other more generic trees. I start by trimming the super tree […]