This week I’m working on the loading ramp in the Little Current Yard. I’m still not clear to me what kind of material was used for. My best guess is some sort of gravel fill based on the light colour of the material around the loading area. The ramp is in aerial photos from the 50’s and 60’s on the west side of the stock yards siding just north of the switch for the stock yard siding.

Scale drawing is based on photos I have been graciously shared with me from the 70’s. The scale strip wood is stained with two coats of Hunterline driftwood, Tichy nut bolt washer castings painted dark rust. Oiled earth and Hunterline brown added for some rust streaks and stains. I post these details to share and for my own future reference. I’m very forgetful with this stuff. I’m going to work on the earth ramp to it when I’m further along on the module.