Taking my to lay track and install bus wires. Track is glued down with No More Nails which if spread thinly doesn’t ooze above the ties and grabs instantly. Its pretty standards stuff.
I’ve borrowed some ideas from free-mo modellers by using printed circuit boards with a tie pattern cut into them to align the track at the module ends. I am using only the portion that has solder pads to stabilize and connect the rails ends of my modules which isn’t their intended purpose but so far its working for what I need. I lay the track right across the joint, remove the plastic ties, place the PCB ties underneath and solder in place. Once everything has cooled and dried, I cut the joint. So far the track has stayed perfectly aligned.
The is soldered together and has probably double the number of feeders it needs. I think this layout will be difficult to service once its further along so there is no harm in extra insurance now.